Completely Lost for Words Wednesday

A while ago, I described how my youngest son got his nickname This Dog Bruce (Bruce for short).

I haven’t been able to find that book again.  Imagine then, the moment when Bruce pulls a book out of his library bag to show me, saying he chose it because he likes the funny dog on the cover, and it is – ta-dah – This Dog Bruce.  I was truly gobsmacked.  And thrilled.  Him too – can’t you tell?

This Dog Bruce with "This Dog Bruce"

Finding Harmony

Wednesday 21st March is Harmony Day in Australia.  It’s a day to celebrate our culturally diverse society.

It’s a day when our Primary School asks – what’s your heritage and can you bring a plate of food to reflect that?

My heritage is multi-generational Australian, descended from  the English, Scottish and Irish with a Dane thrown in for good measure.  It’s never, ever occured to me to send in a plate that reflects this ancestory.  What would I contribute?  Pavlova, ANZAC biscuits, home-made vegemite scroll?  I’ve never made a pavlova before – perhaps that’s what I’ll do next year.

We typically rely on DB’s heritage because his parents are both immigrants and therefore his heritage is more recent.  His parents are Polish and over the years “I’ve” contributed a cake that DB’s mum makes – a Polish tea cake.  This year however I decided to branch out and make something myself.

A quick Google search led me to a recipe for an apple cake.   Placek z Jablka in Polish – it literally means flat cake with apples.  Finding a cake I could make easily was a relief.  I can’t imagine many of Bruce’s class-mates tucking into cabbage rolls (as delicious as I think they are).

I thought it worked out well – DB has just taken it to his parents for the Polish taste test.  I wonder how it will fair???  I followed a suggestion on the website and included vanilla and cinnamon.  Best served with cream – lots of thick cream.

So, come Wednesday we’ll be taking Placek z Jablka to school for Harmony Day.  What favourite recipes do you have that reflect your heritage?  And can I have some ideas for next year please?

Peeled, cored and thinly sliced jablka

The batter mix